curiosity across disciplines

Hiccups and belching

A few hiccups is no big deal. They’re viewed socially as something that's happening "to you" instead of "by you." Nobody gets mad at a mild case of the hiccups. That’s “alter the geometry of the dark triad to a dark square” sort of pathological tendency. If anything, hiccups are kinda cute[1].

Hiccups are the small inevitable product-of-everyday-existence mistakes that we fret too much about.

Belching is; however, not acceptable in general polite company, and is something rude that "you did." Belching doesn't just "happen to you," and even if you had too many beers such that it does just happen to you, that’s still on you.

Inevitably, we are all going to hiccup and belch when it comes to work, relationships, and life. If not, we're likely playing it too safe.

We should all spend our focus and energy on mitigating the belches, and stop worrying about the hiccups.

Seems like a much less stressful way to exist to me.

  1. I would further contend that, like “bubbles,” “hiccups” is a word you can’t say angrily; unable to get rid of them notwithstanding. Go on, give it a go. ↩︎